A belated Merry Christmas to all! I pray you and yours had a Christ-filled Christmas and now eagerly look forward to the New Year and all the Lord has in store for us!
Our Christmas was wonderful...even after a "scrooge" start to the month...let me explain...
Shortly after teaching on Ruth and Boaz...(thank you for your prayers..the Lord was good!), I crashed...spiritually, emotionally, and physically...I was soooo tired, everything was a struggle and the whole time...I'm feeling like..."I know this is an attack", but I did nothing... just continued to struggle...the computer crashed, I was grumpy, I forgot important stuff and I was NOT walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit by a long shot. Finally, I had enough and in the quietness of my room I sought Him...you know Him...the One whose birth I was supposed to be celebrating....and I am still overwhelmed that no matter how hard we tumble..when we earnestly seek Him...He comes...always...
And that is what we just celebrated..His coming... His coming to earth..AND His going...His going
to the cross... For some reason this year, every time I pictured in my mind the babe of Christ in the manger, I saw the shadow of the cross....for that is why He came...to go - to the cross. And I found comfort in that, comfort in the fact that the enemy is defeated and I may walk in victory.
So, a season that started out as an attempted hijack by the enemy turned into a season of victory! Praise Him!
Father! I praise You ...for Your plans always prosper. Forgive my shortsightedness, my inability to look past the present and trust Your plan. I pray that I may listen more closely to Your voice, and heed it. Thank You for coming when I call...You are Holy, righteous and loving!
in Jesus name, Amen!
Some sweet highlights:
*Finally finding THAT special gift!
*Our 11th annual cookie party...25 girls, many moms and countless sprinkles!!
*Peeking in the first-grader's room Christmas eve and seeing him and his boy cousins (ages 26, 23 &19) all laid out on the floor with the most amazing farm set up you have ever seen playing tractors!
*Not having to travel anywhere!...Having everyone here...19 in-laws Christmas eve...19 of my family Christmas day!
*Going to bed at 7:30 Christmas day night!!!
*Taking my freshman shopping the day after Christmas and having lunch with friends I have know for 35 years!
*Slipping way with sweet hubby for a night away!
Rejoicing in His victory!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Reflections of Christmas 2008
posted by: Teresa at 2:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
My Redeemer Lives!
I have been knee-deep in the book of Ruth preparing a teaching for this Thursday. And as the old saying goes....I am on fire! I have always loved the story of Ruth. It is such a complete love story. And I'm a hopeless romantic that dearly loves a happy ending. But having soaked in this precious Word for a couple of days, I am acutely aware that this is OUR love story...we are living this story...If you have approached the threshing floor of our Lord and accepted His offering of covering as our kinsman-redeemer, then you are His bride! You have been spoken for, bought back, redeemed from this pitiful world.
AND it is time that we (the bride of Christ) arise, stand tall, shoulders back, head held high and with one eye to the east...live out radiant lives as the precious bride that we are! Will you do that today? Will you do that for your King? And bring a blessing to the very heart of God!
Please join me in shouting with Job...
I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet my flesh I will see Him with my own eyes - I and not another. How my heart yearns within me! Job 19:25-27
Oh heavenly Redeemer!
You alone are worthy! I don't think there are words to express what my heart feels...while I was a sinner..(a foreigner, like Ruth) You planned to be my redeemer. Father forgive me for flirting with the world, for looking too much like the world and not like Your bride. I pray for the Holy Spirit to seek out those places in my life that need to change so that I can live out a radiant life in You before others!
in Jesus Holy Name,
Praying you have a productive, radiant Monday!
Shouting and yearning!
posted by: Teresa at 6:59 AM 5 comments
Labels: bride of Christ, redeemer
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Little Project
Ok! For the two of you out there that care what I've been up to...here it is:
I have been busy getting ready for a big bash here at the house. My darling mother-in-law is turning 80 and we are having a big party here Sunday. So a little sprucing up was in order...this is our hall guest bath:

posted by: Teresa at 8:01 AM 5 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
And the best part of a trip is....
Coming home!...
Jake was a "little" glad to see us!

I'll try to post some pictures of my "little" project in the next day or so...I don't want to overload this tech-challenged brain with anymore pics...:)!
love ya!
posted by: Teresa at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A few..Day After Election ...Observations
Just a few random things I observed this morning... the day after election.
*the sun still rose on time... in all it's glory
*my sweet husband still took me in his arms and prayed for me... and I am so thankful
* God's word is still true... Hallelujah!
*my home was filled with my children's laughter... and a little fussing :)
*there is still laundry to be done... lots of it!
*my walk still energized me... and I'm still out of shape
* my salvation is still secure... YES!
*my God is still on His throne... and all God's people said
Almighty God! Holy is Your name and most worthy of praise! I thank You that Your promises are still true and we are still Your children and I pray that You will equip us to wear Your name in a most pleasing way. I pray that You will draw us near and we will feel protected, safe and loved by You, the Lord Most High! in the precious saving name of Jesus! Amen
I have really neglected my blogging (and other things) this week...I've been quite busy with a little project! And hopefully I will have pictures to share next week..:)
And!!! Sweet Hubby and I are hitting the road! YES! We're heading east to K-ville to see a little football...(Yes! I AM a true fan..win or lose!!) I cannot wait! I love east TN this time of year and can't wait to see the Master's touch this year! Soooo...hopefully I be back next week with some pictures!
rejoicing and packing!
posted by: Teresa at 8:29 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Season's end
It's official. Soccer season has ended for our varsity girls team. And I am sad. We lost a heart-breaker last night. And another season has ended. My freshman and her friends were especially sad because it was the last time for them to play with this group of senior girls...an awesome group of older girls who encouraged, challenged and just flat-out made our freshman girls feel special. There were many tears shed and many hugs shared...many! (I thought we'd never get to the car!:) The mood in the car was one of reflection and sadness. But then after some good grub, I watched it happen...hope emerged...hope for future seasons. The tears were gone and the laughter had returned. There would be other seasons to come and with the knowledge of that...hope.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Are you nearing the end of a season? Is there sadness over that? Sometimes a season ends before we are ready and other times we think the season will never end. But you know, today I am thankful for the rhythm of seasons. It gives us a something to hope for...the wonderful possibilities of a new season. And it gives us reason to...trust...To trust in the One who orders the seasons... of this world and of our lives. So if a sweet season is nearing the end, take heart, the next one may be even sweeter...and if you are waiting for an difficult season to end...take heart the sweet One is in control.
Father, my heart is tender today when I think of Your love for us. That You knew our hearts would need hope, and change and trust..and so You created seasons for us. And You give us sweet release with our tears and time for our hearts to soar with new possibilities. May You be praised this day Holy One! Almighty God! In the tender name of Jesus, Amen.
What's that I hear?....Could it be?....the sound of a basketball bouncing?...OH YES! Another season is here!!
Catching my breath and praying for you,
posted by: Teresa at 7:30 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Eighteen years ago last night I married the sweetest, most handsome fella around. And not a day goes by that I don't say.."Thank you Jesus!" Did I say eighteen years? Man! that doesn't seem possible! Some days it seems like maybe eight years, but then that beautiful teenage daughter will walk in the room and I'm reminded that maybe we have been married a while. He is still as handsome as he was 21 years ago when I met him on a blind date...he is still as compassionate, kind, easy-going and fun-loving! And I wouldn't trade him for the world! And so I lift him to our Lord...
Heavenly Father, You know how hard it is for me to put into words what Chester means to me..and so I simply say..thank you...thank you...Father I pray that Chester will run hard after You, that You will surround him with mighty men You hand pick. I pray for health and strength and wisdom in guiding our family during these trying times. I thank You for his sweet disposition and his gift of laughter. Lord, forgive me for not always being the wife You intended me to be and I thank You for Your grace in those times. I pray that You will bind us even tighter together as we continue to reach for You. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
And in case you were wondering how we celebrated....two soccer games and two trips to the farm to 'round up a bunch of cows that decided the grass was greener on the other side..(of the fence, that is)...Oh well...guess we'll just have some making-up to do...*grin*
singing and rejoicing! (happy anniversary, baby...)
posted by: Teresa at 7:09 AM 4 comments
Labels: anniversary, thankfull
Monday, September 22, 2008
God's Workmanship
For we are God's workmanship..... Eph. 2:10
You are a masterpiece of the Master! I just wanted to remind you of that this morning. You were specially created just...for His good pleasure. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of that fact. Sometimes in the midst of being everything to everybody we forget how very special we are to the God of the universe. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and are beautiful to the King!
I am working on a message I have to give in October. I have been pondering something and I would love to have your input.
Why don't we live like the beautiful daughters He created us to be?
What keeps us from believing we are truly beautiful to Him?
Father of all creation,
Please forgive my unbelief. I have believed the world's lies about beauty. I want to walk in that NO MORE. I want to live the abundant full life in Christ that You have for me. Help me to walk in the full confidence of that, saturated in the fragrance of Your Son. And to always be ready to give the answer for that confidence. Father, You are the creator of all good things. All of creation if full of Your glory! From the smallest flower to the mountains to the smiles of my sweet sisters in Christ is all Your beauty. Lord, allow me to see all Your beauty this day and not miss one glimpse! In the beautiful, saving name of Jesus! Amen
Praying you have a beauty-filled day!
posted by: Teresa at 5:39 AM 2 comments
Labels: beauty
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Smile
Walking through the waters of parenting a teenager can be a bit treacherous at times. You are never quite sure what you'll get.
Actual conversation at our home last week....
Mom: "Darling, I just wanted to let you know ahead of time about something so you wouldn't freak out tomorrow at school if someone says something....last night at the Jr. High game I was throwing the football with Eric and Thomas." (If you don't have a teenager let me explain...Mom is NOT supposed to talk, smile or much less throw the football with anyone in High School...)
Darling Daughter: No response
Darling Daughter: Still no response
Darling Daughter: "Mom?"
Mom: "Yes?
Darling Daughter: "You did throw it good...didn't you?"
Mom: "Yes, darling, a perfect spiral every time."
Darling Daughter: Big smile
Mom: Bigger smile!!!!
Thankful for smiles and perfectly thrown spirals,
posted by: Teresa at 5:48 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Amazing God
Joshua 3:5 Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."
LOVE the book of Joshua! And that is what we are studying in Bible Study this year..(Joshua, Judges, Ruth 1 and 2 Samuel). And I love this verse..."Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." Don't you want to see the Lord do amazing things? I do!..it's that "consecrate yourselves" part that always trips me up. Consecrate: to set apart; to devote to some purpose....I desperately want to see God do amazing things, so according to this scripture I need to consecrate myself...to actively set myself apart for His purposes. While there is nothing I can do without Him...including putting my feet on the floor each morning...each new dawn He gives me a new day. Now...I can go about this day in my way or His way...I have the choice. It is a no-brainer if I want to see Him do amazing things...it's His way! What does that mean in an ordinary day for me?
It means:
1. Taking His divine appointments as they really are...and not as interruptions
2. Realigning MY schedule if He chooses to realign it
3. Not always having to be right OR to have the last word
4. Studying His word
5. Keeping the communication lines with Him open at ALL times
Do I do these all the time? No...On those few days that I do...do I always see the Lord do amazing things? No Have I seen Him do amazing things on ordinary days...Yes...But you know what?...the days I don't make a conscious decision to set my life apart for Him, my heart is not tender toward His voice and my eyes are not tender toward His amazing things...And it grieves me to think of all the amazing things He has done for me that I simply missed...they were there, they were amazing but I missed it because I hadn't set myself apart for Him.
Holy Amazing Father,
I long to see You do amazing things! Forgive me the times I missed You. I don't want to miss You this day. I want to see ALL You have for me. Quicken my spirit, allow the lenses of the world to fall from my eyes so I can see all You have planned for me. Don't allow the enemy to steal that which You wish to give. Your love is amazing, breathtaking and incredible and I love you so. In Jesus precious name, Amen
What amazing thing have you seen the Lord do lately?
Loving and looking for the amazing,
PS: Thanks to Karen for telling this tech-challenged gal how to do this linky thingy! ( I think I did it right! Whooo hooo!)
posted by: Teresa at 2:32 PM 5 comments
Labels: consecrate, Joshua
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My friend, Leigh is having a fabulous give-a-way WEEK!!! Don't miss it!
As some of you have figured out by now I am not the most techy blogger in the world...soooo I don't know how to put her link here........ but you can click on her link on the side...Speaking Thru Me...
And if you are feeling really sorry for me you can leave me a comment and tell me (in simple terms, please) how to do that linky thingy....
Love and laughs!
posted by: Teresa at 7:22 AM 6 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Football and Friends!
Whew! what a week! I'm sure my week wasn't any crazier than yours, but I sure was glad to see Friday night roll around! After soccer games, homework, Bible Study and football I was ready for some old-fashioned SLEEP! And the Lord provided! (doesn't He always!) I slept sooo late today and it felt soooo good (and no... I'm not tell how late!)
I have "met" so many of you through my friend Fran. And if you read her post from Friday you'll know that her boys played a little football Thursday night...welllll... they played our team..and ....I got to hug Fran's neck!
The blogging world is so fun and I am enjoying my new friends, but there is something about a real, live hug! I knew Thursday was going to be a long, long day full of things that had to be done and I was just plugging along, when I double checked my planner and noticed that Cortland's game (she's a cheerleader) was against TC ...oh my! wonder if Fran is coming..."Lord that sure would be a treat to see her today" And sure enough...after a short text message...it was set and a couple of hours later I got to see my sister in Christ's smiling face...and I smiled to the Lord and said..."Thank you, Abba, thank you for the sweet "happies" you send my way and thank you for friends to walk beside us on this way!"
Smiling along this way and resting in His love,
posted by: Teresa at 10:24 AM 8 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
God's Goodness!
God's goodness overwhelms me. His provisions never cease to amaze me. Sometimes that goodness is something special just between me and Him. But many times His goodness comes to me though one of His children, one of my sisters-in-Christ. I want to share with you His goodness this past week.
* Two buckets of the yummiest figs you've ever tasted..(gonna make one of those fancy tart things today!)
*5 pair of shoes, 3 pair of pants, 2 sweaters, 1 shirt (with tags still on them, and fancy lapels) for Jake from the sweetest neighbor in the world!
*A check for some sewing I had done...with BIG tip...(DOUBLE!)
AND the kicker!
* A very special friend offered a plane ticket to me to a very special place...and even though it didn't work out...I was moved to tears by her generosity!
I am reminded of Acts2:44-45 All believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.
Those sisters didn't know that Jake needed some pants or that I needed that extra money, but my Lord did. What my sisters did know was that when it is in our power to do good we should not withhold that good. They were simply being Christ's hands and feet. I know how happy I was...and I imagine that our Lord was pleased too!
Abba Father!
Holy is Your Name and most worthy of praise! I thank You for your abundant blessings and I especially thank you for my sisters-in-Christ who shared with me and my family. Lord, fill me to overflowing of Your Holy Spirit this day, so that when You prompt me to share with others I'll not hesitate to give. I pray that I will hold loosely to these material things so that I may share with others. I want to be Your hands and feet this day. And I want to speak Your words to comfort and encourage. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen!
Is there some good you could share this day? Let's not withhold any good this day!!!
Standing amazed at His goodness!
ps: I would love hear of His goodness in your life this past week!
posted by: Teresa at 4:43 AM 7 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
High School and Roller Coasters
It had to happen, I knew it would. I just didn't anticipate it happening so soon. Last Wednesday I watch my beautiful brown-eyed first born walk into High School. She looked totally together and ready to conquer the world. I on the other hand, did not look totally together and it took every ounce of self-control I had not to start a major meltdown in the school parking lot. I mean how much can a momma take for goodness sake!...I just sent my baby to kindergarten this time last year and I'm still adjusting to that!!
It seems like for so long a mom can't see the light at the end of the tunnel for all the diapers, sippy cups, potty training and barbie dolls. Now I not only see the light at the end of the tunnel but I am staring at a flood light and it is blinding me. In four short years she will fly from the nest and I am filled with conflicting emotions about that...Will she be ready? Will she remember who she is and Whose she is? Will she make the right choices? (not my choices..the right choices for her)...but isn't this what all this parenting is about...training them up to fly on their own...to live out our faith so they want to make Jesus their own. To transfer their hand from ours to His.
And so Gracie it is with much love and loosening hands that I bring you before the throne of the Lord Most High. Fourteen and half years ago God placed you in my hands and your physical beauty took my breath away, now your beautiful heart takes my breath away.
Almighty Father,
I pray that Gracie will be passionate about gaining wisdom and
passionately in love with You.
I pray that You will protect her from harm and the evil one
and protect her from thinking too highly of herself.
I pray that You will give her like-minded friends
and those friends will seek You.
I pray that she'll share her clothes, her study notes, her laughter and the Gospel with others.
I pray she'll hide Your Word in her heart
and be careful who she lets in her heart.
I pray she'll know the power of saying.."I'm sorry" and "I love you".
and she'll experience the power of the name of Jesus.
I pray that her heart will be tender towards others that are hurting
and she bring her heart to You when she's hurting.
I pray Father that she will walk in Your Spirit all the days of her life
and experience Your goodness all along the way!
in the precious saving name of Jesus, Amen!
Lord, hold me tight! I don't like roller coasters in any shape or form , but that is exactly what I feel like we we are on! A roller coaster that is gaining momentum with every passing day...Lord remind me daily that You are in control of this ride and if I'll just open my eyes every now and then You have some awesome views for me!
Hang on Gracie and take it easy on me!
much love all...white knuckles and all
ps: Just in case you got the feeling she's the perfect teenager..let me just share that she has left for school and left dirty dishes everywhere and her bed unmade and shoes in the hall...etc....AHHHHH!
posted by: Teresa at 4:58 AM 6 comments
Labels: growing up, high school
Friday, August 15, 2008
Count 'em 1....2....3!
We interrupt this incredibly busy first week of school for an important announcement!.....
At approximately 7:00 Thursday night a very surprised momma cow of ours gave birth to TRIPLETS..that's right- triplet calves..count'em 1...2....3.....For all you city girls...let me tell you in the cattle world this is HUGE! (and sorry Fran...didn't have my camera!) ...Unfortunately one died early this morning... Triplets are rare indeed, and even more rare is for all three to survive. Needless to say we've had some excited children around here (big kids too!). I will try to have pictures next week of the twins...they are adorable.
As I was watching them try to take those first wobbly steps, I was filled with wonder. New life, triple blessings, life's surprises. I thought about when I first became a Christian..new birth..and all those wobbly steps! How many times I would take two great steps in faith only to fall to the ground with the next step. But just like the momma cow nudged her babies up, I was fortunate to have some sweet ladies nudge me up and along. Do you know a new Christian who could use a little "nudging" (aka: encouragement)? Please don't hesitate to offer encouragement when it is in your power to do so. We have no idea of the impact of our positive words. I know that my faith has been shaped by some pretty awesome women who took the time to pray with me, encourage me and just spend time with me. I'll be grinning when the Master says to them.."Well done, my child."
Sharing His wonder,
posted by: Teresa at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dancing Joy!
One of my most frequently read books, beside the Bible is Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest. Love it! It has spoken to my heart for years. Everytime I read today's entry I am moved by one phrase...he is talking about "missing it" missing the chance to walk in big faith and he writes..."And what a pang will go through us when we suddenly realize that we might have produced down right joy in the heart of Jesus....." Oh! oh! oh! I so want to do that! ...produce joy in the heart of my Savior!...real joy, deep joy, smiling, jumping, dancing joy...not for me but for Him.
The kind of joy in Luke 10:21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure. The ancient Greek word for joy literally means.. thrilled with joy! Jesus was genuinely excited in this passage. And I want Him to be filled with joy because I...His child chose to walk in big faith this day.
So...why not? What is keeping me from doing this? I have the Holy Spirit residing in this earthly body, He has thoroughly equipped me to accomplish His will...And so this day I resolved to walk in big faith and take Him at His Word and maybe, just maybe produce a little joy in the heart of my Savior.
Holy Father! My heart is full...fill me to overflowing this day with Your powerful Holy Spirit. Enable me to walk in big faith and bring glory and honor to You this day! I praise You because You are high and lifted up! You are still on Your Throne, there is no one above, beside or even close to You! What comfort that brings to me! Praise You! in Jesus precious name, Amen!
walking in His joy!
posted by: Teresa at 5:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Oh My Toe!
posted by: Teresa at 4:41 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Goodbye Reluctant Heart
Goodbye, so long, farewell- reluctant heart! For so long now I have had a hesitant, reluctant heart concerning this blog thing. Not blogs in general. I love other people's blogs and have meet some sisters-in-Christ whom I adore. I've just been so reluctant to start my own. What on earth could I possibly say that others would want to read? As I prayed through this, looking for guidance and the right balance concerning this..."it" came..softly..but there it was...God's Word from the recesses of my mind to the forefront of my heart..came Song of Solomon 2:14....show me your face, let me hear your voice: for your voice is sweet,... One of "my" verses that the God of the universe reminded me of. HE wants to hear my voice. And so I begin this blog journey taking hold of His hand and walking with Him, sharing my heart with Him and if it is His will that others read and are refreshed in heart by His Word-then so be it.
Almighty Maker of heaven and earth, Holy one who sits enthroned,
Holy is Your Name! May Your Name be glorified this day in all I do and say, fill me to overflowing with your Holy Spirit. I don't want to miss one thing You have in store for me this day. I pray that the world won't have a chance today to steal my joy. Lord, You alone know my heart concerning this blog thing and I give it all to You, for Your safe keeping. May everything I do and say be pleasing to You this day. In the saving name of Jesus, Amen
So goodbye reluctant heart...Hello refreshed heart!...I pray that every now and then another might be refreshed by the Lord when they stop by here...he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Pro. 11:25
Well it is off to a soccer scrimmage game...first one of the season...YEA!!
posted by: Teresa at 5:28 AM 3 comments
Labels: blogs, refreshed heart