Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A few..Day After Election ...Observations

Just a few random things I observed this morning... the day after election.

*the sun still rose on time... in all it's glory

*my sweet husband still took me in his arms and prayed for me... and I am so thankful

* God's word is still true... Hallelujah!

*my home was filled with my children's laughter... and a little fussing :)

*there is still laundry to be done... lots of it!

*my walk still energized me... and I'm still out of shape

* my salvation is still secure... YES!

*my God is still on His throne... and all God's people said

Almighty God! Holy is Your name and most worthy of praise! I thank You that Your promises are still true and we are still Your children and I pray that You will equip us to wear Your name in a most pleasing way. I pray that You will draw us near and we will feel protected, safe and loved by You, the Lord Most High! in the precious saving name of Jesus! Amen

I have really neglected my blogging (and other things) this week...I've been quite busy with a little project! And hopefully I will have pictures to share next week..:)

And!!! Sweet Hubby and I are hitting the road! YES! We're heading east to K-ville to see a little football...(Yes! I AM a true or lose!!) I cannot wait! I love east TN this time of year and can't wait to see the Master's touch this year! Soooo...hopefully I be back next week with some pictures!

rejoicing and packing!


Fran said...

I rejoice with you on this "day after" and I'm so glad you are heading to Knoxville. You'll have a blast.

Much love,

Anonymous said...


Wow...your list made me cry because it was exactly what I was thinking this morning!!!

And your picture is beautiful!!!

I hope you have a great time in Knoxville. Take pictures!!!

Blessings, friend!

Pat said...

Have a fun getaway Teresa. Yes, God is still on His throne. I loved your reminders!!

Leah Adams said...

Wonderful, beautiful thoughts!! Have a great weekend!!


Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

thank you for the reminders!!! i love you my sister!!! love, Leigh

Mommyluann said...

I enjoyed looking over your blog. I found you off of Bethanne's site..she and I attend church together. I am 42 and have a first grader and one in 4 year old preschool.


Karen Hossink said...

I am so thankful that even though the world around us can be uncertain and chaotic, our Jesus is steadfast and on His throne!
What a beautiful way you have written this reminder of His power and faithfulness. Thanks.

Hope the trip was fun. I'll check back soon for those pictures. *grin*