Monday, August 25, 2008

God's Goodness!

God's goodness overwhelms me. His provisions never cease to amaze me. Sometimes that goodness is something special just between me and Him. But many times His goodness comes to me though one of His children, one of my sisters-in-Christ. I want to share with you His goodness this past week.

* Two buckets of the yummiest figs you've ever tasted..(gonna make one of those fancy tart things today!)

*5 pair of shoes, 3 pair of pants, 2 sweaters, 1 shirt (with tags still on them, and fancy lapels) for Jake from the sweetest neighbor in the world!

*A check for some sewing I had done...with BIG tip...(DOUBLE!)

AND the kicker!

* A very special friend offered a plane ticket to me to a very special place...and even though it didn't work out...I was moved to tears by her generosity!

I am reminded of Acts2:44-45 All believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.

Those sisters didn't know that Jake needed some pants or that I needed that extra money, but my Lord did. What my sisters did know was that when it is in our power to do good we should not withhold that good. They were simply being Christ's hands and feet. I know how happy I was...and I imagine that our Lord was pleased too!

Abba Father!
Holy is Your Name and most worthy of praise! I thank You for your abundant blessings and I especially thank you for my sisters-in-Christ who shared with me and my family. Lord, fill me to overflowing of Your Holy Spirit this day, so that when You prompt me to share with others I'll not hesitate to give. I pray that I will hold loosely to these material things so that I may share with others. I want to be Your hands and feet this day. And I want to speak Your words to comfort and encourage. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen!

Is there some good you could share this day? Let's not withhold any good this day!!!

Standing amazed at His goodness!

ps: I would love hear of His goodness in your life this past week!


Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

His goodness is totally overwhleming isn't it!!! Love you and Him!! Love, Leigh

Karen Hossink said...

I LOVE it when God works this way. Blessings all around, in different forms, from different sources. And I know He was smiling as He watched you receiving with thankfulness.
God's goodness to me has been coming in the opportunities He has given me recently to be an instrument of love for Him. Not so much in material ways - but in encouraging and praying for others. I feel like He's holding my hand and we're a team. HE IS SO GOOD!!!!!

Leah Adams said...


Welcome to the STMM team. I am so excited to be part of such a great group of ladies. I look forward to meeting you. How far apart do we live? I am in North far north as you can go without going into North Carolina or Tennessee.

Thanks for visiting my Siesta Fiesta recap on my blog. Take care and know that I am praying for you and all the STMM team.

God is so very good, isn't He?


BethAnne said...

Awesome story - He meets our needs in unexpected ways -God is good like that

ocean mommy said...

Hi Teresa!

I saw your comment over on one of Fran's Siesta Re-caps. It's nice to meet you! I am a TN girl, well I was until God moved us to GA 2 years ago! Have no doubt, our blood is still orange. (We grew up in Chattanooga)

I LOVE this post! God is so good and I love to see and hear how He works things out for one of His girls! ;)

Most recently He provided my entire trip to the Fiesta...through several different avenues. It was just incredible to see Him doing things for more than a year to get me to San Antonio...He is so good!


Fran said...

Well, you may not want to keep hearing about SA, but I know that our God did some HUGE HUGE things for both of us during the last week.

I'm so grateful for you Teresa. Truly.

Hugs and blessings,

Wanda said...

You are so right about God's provisions. He amazes me with His sweet blessings. I am a product of His goodness.
Sweet post! Beautiful blog!

Also, GO COLTS! We are counting down the days here in Indiana for some good football.