Monday, August 18, 2008

High School and Roller Coasters

It had to happen, I knew it would. I just didn't anticipate it happening so soon. Last Wednesday I watch my beautiful brown-eyed first born walk into High School. She looked totally together and ready to conquer the world. I on the other hand, did not look totally together and it took every ounce of self-control I had not to start a major meltdown in the school parking lot. I mean how much can a momma take for goodness sake!...I just sent my baby to kindergarten this time last year and I'm still adjusting to that!!

It seems like for so long a mom can't see the light at the end of the tunnel for all the diapers, sippy cups, potty training and barbie dolls. Now I not only see the light at the end of the tunnel but I am staring at a flood light and it is blinding me. In four short years she will fly from the nest and I am filled with conflicting emotions about that...Will she be ready? Will she remember who she is and Whose she is? Will she make the right choices? (not my choices..the right choices for her)...but isn't this what all this parenting is them up to fly on their live out our faith so they want to make Jesus their own. To transfer their hand from ours to His.

And so Gracie it is with much love and loosening hands that I bring you before the throne of the Lord Most High. Fourteen and half years ago God placed you in my hands and your physical beauty took my breath away, now your beautiful heart takes my breath away.

Almighty Father,
I pray that Gracie will be passionate about gaining wisdom and
passionately in love with You.

I pray that You will protect her from harm and the evil one
and protect her from thinking too highly of herself.

I pray that You will give her like-minded friends
and those friends will seek You.

I pray that she'll share her clothes, her study notes, her laughter and the Gospel with others.

I pray she'll hide Your Word in her heart
and be careful who she lets in her heart.

I pray she'll know the power of saying.."I'm sorry" and "I love you".
and she'll experience the power of the name of Jesus.

I pray that her heart will be tender towards others that are hurting
and she bring her heart to You when she's hurting.

I pray Father that she will walk in Your Spirit all the days of her life
and experience Your goodness all along the way!
in the precious saving name of Jesus, Amen!

Lord, hold me tight! I don't like roller coasters in any shape or form , but that is exactly what I feel like we we are on! A roller coaster that is gaining momentum with every passing day...Lord remind me daily that You are in control of this ride and if I'll just open my eyes every now and then You have some awesome views for me!

Hang on Gracie and take it easy on me!
much love all...white knuckles and all

ps: Just in case you got the feeling she's the perfect teenager..let me just share that she has left for school and left dirty dishes everywhere and her bed unmade and shoes in the hall...etc....AHHHHH!


BethAnne said...

High school??? UGH!!! I dread those days, but I know they are coming quickly. Thanks for visiting my blog. Are you from East TN?

Karen Hossink said...

Ahhh, I have two years until I'm in your shoes. And I appreciate your prayer. If it isn't copyrighted, I'd like to hold on to it for a couple years. *grin*
Just yesterday my daughter walked into the Sunday school class as I was telling my 2nd and 3rd grade girls that I didn't always listen to and obey my parents - that I didn't think they knew anything and was sure they didn't understand me - but that in later years I sure wished I would have listened to them. I thought God's timing was impeccable (as usual!) and pray those words will stay with her as she enters the teen years!
Keep praying, Mom!


Fran said...

Oh my gosh teresa....I am crying over here! Just beautifully written and straight from your sweet momma's heart.

I'm praying for us all. This parenting thing can be tough huh?

Love ya dearly.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! I totally understand your emotions. My oldest, Gavin is a senior this year. It is so bittersweet! I have honestly loved being his mama every SINGLE day. His sisters are fast behind him (a sophmore & 8th gr.). I remember being told by older & wiser moms....time is going to pass quickly (I thought ..OH SURE!!) and here I am staring at my way too tall young adult son. You, like me will forever be changed by the ones God entrusted to our care. We still have work to do! So enjoy the ride!
Sweet blog, too.

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Teresa - it can't be. She was just a little thing doing her basketball thang when I was there - a fwe years ago........ Holy cow - that was awesome!!! thanks for sharing!! you have a gift!!

love, Leigh

Anonymous said...


I'm just now catching up on blog reading after a crazy week.

This made me cry. My oldest "baby" started 7th grade 2 weeks ago and I, too, see that light blaring me right in the face.

My husband and I talked in bed the other night about how we really need to start praying for long days because the pages on the calendar are turning all too quickly.

I'm so glad you are FINALLY blogging!

Blessings, friend!