Saturday, September 6, 2008

Football and Friends!

Whew! what a week! I'm sure my week wasn't any crazier than yours, but I sure was glad to see Friday night roll around! After soccer games, homework, Bible Study and football I was ready for some old-fashioned SLEEP! And the Lord provided! (doesn't He always!) I slept sooo late today and it felt soooo good (and no... I'm not tell how late!)

I have "met" so many of you through my friend Fran. And if you read her post from Friday you'll know that her boys played a little football Thursday night...welllll... they played our team..and ....I got to hug Fran's neck!

The blogging world is so fun and I am enjoying my new friends, but there is something about a real, live hug! I knew Thursday was going to be a long, long day full of things that had to be done and I was just plugging along, when I double checked my planner and noticed that Cortland's game (she's a cheerleader) was against TC ...oh my! wonder if Fran is coming..."Lord that sure would be a treat to see her today" And sure enough...after a short text was set and a couple of hours later I got to see my sister in Christ's smiling face...and I smiled to the Lord and said..."Thank you, Abba, thank you for the sweet "happies" you send my way and thank you for friends to walk beside us on this way!"

Smiling along this way and resting in His love,


Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

I am so happy for you, but i want to be able to hug you if i want to too!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well - email, phone, and hopefully some day i will begin to text too.... and that will have to do......for now!!

I lvoe you my sister!!! Thank you for never giving up on me!!

love you, Leigh

Melinda said...

Popped over from Lysa's blog, and what fun to find you and Fran staring me in the face! Got to hug Fran for the first time in San Antonio - isn't she precious?

Enjoyed visiting your little corner of cyberspace!


Leah Adams said...


Thanks for visiting me at The Point. I hope that soon all of the STMM girls can get together so we can see sweet faces and give lots of hugs. I'm so excited to see how the Lord is working in each of our lives. Have a blessed week!!

He reigns over the nations!!


BethAnne said...

How Cool!!! You KNOW Fran!!!! I just love this blogging thing!

Alene said...

You are SO right! Meeting blogging friends in person is SO special. I remember months ago telling my hubby "You think I'll ever get to meet any of these incredible bloggin' gals." Meeting a handful in San Antonio was just incredible! Can't wait to meet you! I love football too - especially the Dallas Cowboys!!!!

Fran said...

Ok...whats up with my hair and why does my face look so swollen?? Am I always that puffy??? Argh!!!

Regardless, that was the highlight of my week! :)

Hugs...I'll see you soon. Can I come to your Bible study one day?

Linda said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your prayers. I have enjoyed my visit here and how exciting that you actually met Fran!!I have a very strong feeling that we all three live pretty close to each other. :)

ocean mommy said...

That is so special!! She's quite a gal isn't she!?

I love it when God does something like this. Just reminds me that He cares about every detail. :)

Have a great weekend,