Monday, September 22, 2008

God's Workmanship

For we are God's workmanship..... Eph. 2:10

You are a masterpiece of the Master! I just wanted to remind you of that this morning. You were specially created just...for His good pleasure. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of that fact. Sometimes in the midst of being everything to everybody we forget how very special we are to the God of the universe. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and are beautiful to the King!

I am working on a message I have to give in October. I have been pondering something and I would love to have your input.

Why don't we live like the beautiful daughters He created us to be?
What keeps us from believing we are truly beautiful to Him?

Father of all creation,
Please forgive my unbelief. I have believed the world's lies about beauty. I want to walk in that NO MORE. I want to live the abundant full life in Christ that You have for me. Help me to walk in the full confidence of that, saturated in the fragrance of Your Son. And to always be ready to give the answer for that confidence. Father, You are the creator of all good things. All of creation if full of Your glory! From the smallest flower to the mountains to the smiles of my sweet sisters in Christ is all Your beauty. Lord, allow me to see all Your beauty this day and not miss one glimpse! In the beautiful, saving name of Jesus! Amen

Praying you have a beauty-filled day!


Leah Adams said...


I think that we forget who our 'Daddy' is and that He looks at us just like an earthly Father, only better. Our earthly fathers think that each of their daughters are beautiful. But because we cannot touch and feel this Father, we do not understand or believe that He, too, thinks we are beautiful.

Perhaps some women have never felt beautiful in their entire lives. For those of us who are perfectionists, feeling beautiful is difficult because we just don't feel that we have 'done' enough to be beautiful. That doesn't affect how God feels about us but it certainly affects how we relate to Him. Along this same line, we mess up so much, simply by virtue of the fact that we are human, that we just cannot grasp how very much He loves us. Enough to die for us. Now that is love.

In our society so much of our worth is tied up in what we do or what we accomplish. In God's economy none of that matters, yet it is soooo hard to get our minds around that fact. We equate our actions with God's acceptance or lack thereof. That simply isn't how God works. All that feeds into believing that we are beautiful to Him.

Good grief, I have written an epistle as my Daddy would have said. Sorry about that. Hope some of it makes sense.


Unknown said...

So good!