Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Season's end

It's official. Soccer season has ended for our varsity girls team. And I am sad. We lost a heart-breaker last night. And another season has ended. My freshman and her friends were especially sad because it was the last time for them to play with this group of senior awesome group of older girls who encouraged, challenged and just flat-out made our freshman girls feel special. There were many tears shed and many hugs shared...many! (I thought we'd never get to the car!:) The mood in the car was one of reflection and sadness. But then after some good grub, I watched it happen...hope emerged...hope for future seasons. The tears were gone and the laughter had returned. There would be other seasons to come and with the knowledge of that...hope.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

Are you nearing the end of a season? Is there sadness over that? Sometimes a season ends before we are ready and other times we think the season will never end. But you know, today I am thankful for the rhythm of seasons. It gives us a something to hope for...the wonderful possibilities of a new season. And it gives us reason trust in the One who orders the seasons... of this world and of our lives. So if a sweet season is nearing the end, take heart, the next one may be even sweeter...and if you are waiting for an difficult season to end...take heart the sweet One is in control.

Father, my heart is tender today when I think of Your love for us. That You knew our hearts would need hope, and change and trust..and so You created seasons for us. And You give us sweet release with our tears and time for our hearts to soar with new possibilities. May You be praised this day Holy One! Almighty God! In the tender name of Jesus, Amen.

What's that I hear?....Could it be?....the sound of a basketball bouncing?...OH YES! Another season is here!!

Catching my breath and praying for you,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Eighteen years ago last night I married the sweetest, most handsome fella around. And not a day goes by that I don't say.."Thank you Jesus!" Did I say eighteen years? Man! that doesn't seem possible! Some days it seems like maybe eight years, but then that beautiful teenage daughter will walk in the room and I'm reminded that maybe we have been married a while. He is still as handsome as he was 21 years ago when I met him on a blind date...he is still as compassionate, kind, easy-going and fun-loving! And I wouldn't trade him for the world! And so I lift him to our Lord...

Heavenly Father, You know how hard it is for me to put into words what Chester means to me..and so I simply say..thank you...thank you...Father I pray that Chester will run hard after You, that You will surround him with mighty men You hand pick. I pray for health and strength and wisdom in guiding our family during these trying times. I thank You for his sweet disposition and his gift of laughter. Lord, forgive me for not always being the wife You intended me to be and I thank You for Your grace in those times. I pray that You will bind us even tighter together as we continue to reach for You. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

And in case you were wondering how we celebrated....two soccer games and two trips to the farm to 'round up a bunch of cows that decided the grass was greener on the other side..(of the fence, that is)...Oh well...guess we'll just have some making-up to do...*grin*

singing and rejoicing! (happy anniversary, baby...)